Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I will be taking a break from TMHMIR, but only for a little while. I will be posting over at Moon Colony Razorblade.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Holy Hell

Listen, a record came out about a month ago that was the score to some movie that I had never heard of. The score was done by Portastatic (dude from Superchunk) which is cool and all, but I never gave it a second thought. It's called "Who Loves The Sun", I just saw the trailer for it. HOLY POPE POOP! First of all, actual Superchunk songs in it. Second of all, SILVER JEWS SONGS?!?! Third of all, it looks like it's a realy, really good movie. I am finding this movie somehow and watching it at least 3 times in a row.

This Portastatic video combines two of my fav's; supercunk (this is Mac's other band) and the talking heads. Mac's movements are almost exact to David Byrne's in the video that this one is mocking.

There is an on-going argument via e-mail exchanges about the parking downtown. I am tempted to post some of the exchanges because they are pretty ridiculous. Would that be wrong?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


First and foremost, I am going to be taking over TSI fridays. Come and show TSI that people will come out and dance to good music if only given the chance. I am not going to stick to my rockist elitism. I am just going to play non-ironic, quality music. look for examples at the bottom of this post.

This week Elephant See and other guests are playing before I Dj.

now for celebrity look alike part II

Steve Ezell

Joel Murray

Okay, this isn't as uncanny as the last one. I think its the picture, have you ever seen "One Crazy Summer"? Steve looks just like Joel in that movie.

If you are wondering what kinda stuff I will be playing, here are a few songs you are likely to hear.

Islands Don't Call Me Whitney, Bobby.

professor murder professor murder (I don't remember the name of this song)

Outkast morris brown.

+/- the queen of detroit

Band of Horses Our Swords

the Black Procession not just words

Beck cell phone dead