This Portastatic video combines two of my fav's; supercunk (this is Mac's other band) and the talking heads. Mac's movements are almost exact to David Byrne's in the video that this one is mocking.
There is an on-going argument via e-mail exchanges about the parking downtown. I am tempted to post some of the exchanges because they are pretty ridiculous. Would that be wrong?
that Portastatic video is funny. and not funny "haha," but funny "queer."
and not to be a total negative nicky here, but using the Silver Jews on a movie soundtrack just seems silly to me. film music only works when it's providing an auditory backdrop to what's taking place onscreen. and it's only successful when it adds to the overall viewing experience. Berman's songs, though, are too loaded w/ referential imagery. if anything, using a SJ song in a movie (where you should be paying attention to the dialogue and actions onscreen) whould be distracting.
on top of that, Berman's delivery, while charming and earnest (to his fans), leaves a bit to be desired. i could easily see how one watching this trailer would think that their drunk uncle had just walked in the room talking to himself.
I'm gonna have to say you are wrong. I would normally agree with you about the silver jews thing, but I think this song is fitting.
nicky the negative nelly
i LOVE this song! i had no idea video existed...
i have a 4-track demo version of it on 7" as well. excellent stuff. mac mCc rules.
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